What does mediation cover?

  • Landlord/tenant
  • Customer/Merchant
  • Tenant/Tenant
  • Child Custody and Visitation
  • PINS
  • Inter family disputes
  • Divorce Mediation

Additional types of disputes.

In addition IMCR facilitates the resolution of minor criminal allegation and civil disputes which are referred to the Center by the Court Dispute Referral Center, the Police, the District Attorney’s Office and many other local agencies. Those disputes might entail allegations of Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Harassment, Animal complaint, Assault, Breach of Contract, Criminal Mischief, Criminal Trespass, Fraud/Bad Check, Harassment, Housing Dispute, Menacing, Noise, Petit Larceny, Theft of Services, etc.

And IMCR also facilitates Special Education Mediation, Custody and Visitation, Lemon Law Arbitration and Early Intervention Mediation.

What does mediation NOT cover?

There are kinds of disputes which are non-amenable pursuant to New York State guidelines. We don’t mediate criminal felony complaints and child abuse matters.

What if I have a complaint against someone?

The best step is to call IMCR at 718/585-1190 and talk to a staff member, who can help you with what steps are needed to arrange for a mediation session.

Benefits of Mediation

Saves Money

Mediation is far less expensive when contrasted to the expense of litigation or other forms of fighting.

Saves Time

In an era when it may take a year to get a court date, even longer if appealed, mediation often can save time. To get on with business or life, mediation may mean rapid results.


The mediation session is confidential pursuant to Article 21A of the Judiciary Law. The only information that is kept on record is the parties’ personal data and the written agreement, if any, reached by the parties.


People are far more likely to agree to something that they come up with themselves. By creating a non-adversarial environment, emphasizing listening, and allowing for different points of view (and awareness of the other party’s feelings) mediation allows people to come up with their own solutions.

High Compliance Rate

Parties who have reached their own agreement in mediation are also generally more likely to follow through and comply with its terms than those whose resolution has been imposed by a third party decision-maker. Settlements tend to hold up over time.

Mutually Satisfactory

There is generally more satisfaction with outcomes, as opposed to solutions that are imposed by a third party decision-maker. Parties also feel more personally empowered and ongoing relationships can be more successfully preserved.

I’d really like to contact IMCR NOW!

Issues between tenant and landlord? Tensions between neighbors? Family conflict? Business dispute?
Problems can be worked out — and relationships even continued.

CALL (718) 585-1190 or FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW

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