Building Community Mediation in Nicaragua

A Case Study

Dr. Stephen Slate

Dr. Stephen Slate

In 2000, the U.S. Congress declared its intention to intervene on behalf of Nicaraguan-American citizens whose properties were confiscated by the Sandinista regime. Stephen Slate, Executive Director of IMCR, himself a Nicaraguan native who had done pro-bono work in Nicaragua contacted the President of the Supreme Court of Justice in Managua to offer IMCR’s services. The resulting engagement intended to explore how to move Nicaragua away from “its violent response to conflict by shaping a culture of peaceful and harmonious relationships among divergent communities”.

Because of the multicultural, regional and multiethnic diversity in Nicaragua, including the indigenous Subtiavas, Ramas, Mayagnas, Miskitos and Garifunas communities extensive research divulged the impracticality of a centralized mediation service, particularly given the history of exploitation by previous governments in the capital. In light of these findings, Mr. Slate advocated not only the training of Nicaraguans in alternative forms of conflict resolution, but additionally training those individuals to become trainers themselves (Train the Trainer).

The result was the establishment of DIRAC, the Nicaraguan State Conflict Resolution Main Office, the technical support necessary for the passage of Law 540 in 2005, directing the practice of mediation and arbitration throughout Nicaragua, and the emergence of ACAPEM, an Association of Mediation Trainers and practitioners responsible for future ADR training in the country.

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    “Human beings have what it takes to make a difference in their lives. They are capable of transforming themselves and the environment in which they live.”

    Stephen Slate
    Executive Director